Penarol - San Lorenzo de Almagro 17.01.2023
Next match Penarol - San Lorenzo de Almagro on 16/01/2025
Round 1
- 1 : 0
- Finished
Current Form
- 1
- Score
- 2
- 4
- Yellow cards
- 7
- 0
- Red cards
- 1
Head to head
Last results: Penarol
Last results: San Lorenzo de Almagro
Match facts
CA Penarol Montevideo wins 1st half in 21% of their matches, CA San Lorenzo de Almagro in 23% of their matches.
CA Penarol Montevideo wins 21% of halftimes, CA San Lorenzo de Almagro wins 23%.
When CA Penarol Montevideo leads 1-0 at home, they win in 90% of their matches.
When CA San Lorenzo de Almagro leads 0-1 away, they win in 83% of their matches.