Haka - Inter Turku 21.08.2024
Next match Haka - Inter Turku on 01/02/2025
- 1 : 2
- Finished
4 - Wins
2 - Draws
4 - Losses
Wins - 7
Draws - 2
Losses - 1
Goal Difference
- 1.7
- Goals scored per match
- 3
- 1.6
- Goals conceded per match
- 0.7
- 28.2'
- Minutes/Goal scored
- 24.3'
- 3.3
- Match goals average
- 3.7
- 33
- Goals
- 37
Current Form
- 4
- Score
- 7
- 12
- Yellow cards
- 9
- 0
- Red cards
- 0
Head to head
Last results: Haka
Last results: Inter Turku
Match facts
The most common result of matches between FC Haka Valkeakoski and FC Inter Turku is 0-1. 10 matches have ended with this result.
During the last 26 meetings with FC Haka Valkeakoski playing at home, FC Haka Valkeakoski have won 8 times, there have been 9 draws while FC Inter Turku have won 9 times.
During the last 58 meetings, FC Haka Valkeakoski have won 19 times, there have been 14 draws while FC Inter Turku have won 25 times.
When playing at home, FC Haka Valkeakoski have not lost to FC Inter Turku in their last 3 encounters.