31 Oct 2023 at 06:30, Kupcic J./Premzl M. and Tomas Lipovsek Puches/Juan Bautista Otegui will play a match in the tennis league M15 Monastir 44. Full score, statistics and live stream of the match between Kupcic J./Premzl M. - Tomas Lipovsek Puches/Juan Bautista Otegui can be found on foot-boom.net. In addition, users will be able to watch tonight's tennis match live or follow a text broadcast of the match between the players.
&Latest tennis matches from Kupcic J./Premzl M.
- Kupcic J./Premzl M. - Tomas Lipovsek Puches/Juan Bautista Otegui (31 Oct 2023) 0:2 M15 Monastir 44
- Ivan Kremenchutskyi/Artem Podorozhnyi - Kupcic J./Premzl M. (03 Oct 2023) 2:1 M15 Bad Waltersdorf
- Kupcic J./Premzl M. - Taylor Adam|Vanshelboim Eric (20 Apr 2023) 0:2 M25 Split
- Kupcic J./Premzl M. - Bolla Andrea|Donati Matteo (16 Mar 2023) 0:2 M15 Rovinj
- Stodder Timo|Wenger Damian - Kupcic J./Premzl M. (15 Mar 2023) 0:0 M15 Rovinj
&A last tennis match of Tomas Lipovsek Puches/Juan Bautista Otegui
- Nesterov Petr|Snitari Ilya - Tomas Lipovsek Puches/Juan Bautista Otegui (11 May 2024) 2:1 M15 Bucharest
- Dragos Nicolae Cazacu/Dan Alexandru Tomescu - Tomas Lipovsek Puches/Juan Bautista Otegui (10 May 2024) 0:2 M15 Bucharest
- Samuil Konov/Christian Teszari - Tomas Lipovsek Puches/Juan Bautista Otegui (09 May 2024) 0:2 M15 Bucharest
- Cezar Gabriel Papoe/Rares Teodor Pieleanu - Tomas Lipovsek Puches/Juan Bautista Otegui (07 May 2024) 0:2 M15 Bucharest
- Tomas Lipovsek Puches/Juan Bautista Otegui - Donski Alexander|Pereira Tiago (03 Nov 2023) 0:2 M15 Monastir 44
Information about H2H2H
This page shows the head-to-head history between Kupcic J./Premzl M. and Tomas Lipovsek Puches/Juan Bautista Otegui, including maximum wins and losses between the two players, and H2H stats for all tennis competitions.
At the end of the match, you can see all the highlights and the result of the Kupcic J./Premzl M. - Tomas Lipovsek Puches/Juan Bautista Otegui match on this page. While waiting for the Kupcic J./Premzl M. - Tomas Lipovsek Puches/Juan Bautista Otegui live score to start, you can check match odds and our predictions to place the best bets on this M15 Monastir 44 tennis match.