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Salem (WV) Tigers - Davis And Elkins Senators 11.12.2024


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이번 시즌에 두 팀이 맞붙었습니다:

  • Salem (WV) Tigers - Davis And Elkins Senators (11.12.2024 | 11 십이 월 2024 | 11/12/2024) 82:69 National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)
  • Davis And Elkins Senators - Salem (WV) Tigers (31.01.2024 | 31 일월 2024 | 31/01/2024) 79:56 National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)
  • Salem (WV) Tigers - Davis And Elkins Senators (03.01.2022 | 03 일월 2022 | 03/01/2022) 0:0 National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)
  • Davis And Elkins Senators - Salem (WV) Tigers (15.12.2021 | 15 십이 월 2021 | 15/12/2021) 74:97 National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)

Salem (WV) Tigers의 선발 라인업:

Davis And Elkins Senators의 선발 라인업:

최고 마권업자

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EveryGame $500 보너스
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Bovada 750 USD 보너스
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Busr 3000 USD 보너스
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MyBookie 750 USD 보너스
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Xbet 500 USD 보너스

경기 정보

11 십이 월 2024, 19:30